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Assembly ZEA

Assembly Instructions for Z-EA Series Easy Assembly Single & Double Z Racks

For more complete instructions with photos-Click here to download the Z-EA pdf instructions.

Assemble orange Z base by inserting Z base ends into the main cross bar to form a "Z".

Using the tool provided - insert (2) allen head type screws on each end of the Z frame to hold the frame together. The screws go on the underside of the frame. Note: To prevent loss while in transit-the screws are in the frame and have to be removed to reinsert them for assembly.

Insert the caster stems throug the gray, round bumpers.

With the Z frame screws facing the floor, insert the wheel and bumper assembly into the Z frame and hold with washers and nuts. Note: 2 wheels have brakes, we suggest you put brake wheels on opposite corners of the Z frame.

Insert the round chrome, uprights into the square openings of the Z base.

Insert the top hang bar onto the tops of the uprights.

Optional: If you want 6-ft uprights, attach the 1-ft extensions onto the uprights before attaching the hang bar.

Optional: If you want a 2nd hang rail, assemble the 2 part brace clamp as shown below around the uprights and the hang bar. The brace clamps are held together with (2) bolts and ridged, kep nuts on each clamp.